Thursday, May 14, 2020

Mus'ab Bin Umayr | The fist ambassador of Islam | why Mus'ab?

The first ambassador of Islam

Masjid e Nabwi

Three years before the migration of Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and his companions (R.A), on the occasion of Hajj in Minah near uqbah place, Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) preached Islam to the six young men of the Khazraj tribe who came from Madina. The preach of Muhammad (PBUH) turn their heart towards Islam. they impressed by the teaching of Islam. They went back to Madina and promised to tell others about Islam.

Next year, two years before migration towards Madina, four same men came back with eight more men and met with the Last Prophet of Allah and accepted Islam. They promised to follow the teaching of Islam. they further told that every person knew about Islam in Madina. Prophet (PBUH) choosed Mus’ab Bin Umayr (R.A) to go Madina for the preaching of Islam.

Old Pic of Madina
why Mus'ab

Mus’ab Bin Umayr Alabrdi (R.A) was the first ambassador choosed by Prophet (PBUH) to preach Islam and to teach Islam’s basic rules to the people of Madina. He was chosen because his way of talking was impressive and his knowledge about Islam was good. He had the ability to convince people with his sweet and clear communication. His clean and neat look had own impression on others. He preached Islam in his unique way and spread Islam in Madina. He proved himself the best ambassador by preaching Islam.

Mission accomplished 

Mus’ab bin Umayr Preached Islam for nine months in Madina. Biggest tribe of Madina Abdul Ashhal embarrassed Islam whose leader was saad Bin Muaz (R.A) at that time. People started to enter in Islam rapidly. When he came back to Makkah after nine months and told about how people rapidly accepted Islam with open heart, Prophet (PBUH) became very happy by the work of Mus’ab Bin Umayr. That’ how the first ambassador of slam returned successfully from his mission.


Gazwa e Badr ( the battle of Badr ) by
Allama Muhammad Ahmad Bashmeel